miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Japan says to read the future in the nipples

Japan says to read the future in the nipples
ERI Kuizomi, psychic Japanese says to read the future in the nipples. Yes, Yes, you read well. Some can read hands other the cleared the coffee, but this Psychic says to know their fate through the areola and nipple.
ERI Kuizomi, presented with a hat at the beginning of the note, assumes that the particularities of each person reveal aspects of their future and their personality in the manner of a horoscope.

Koizumi wrote the book Become happy: Areola fortune telling, where recounts that the color and shape of the nipple will tell you if you're a good friend, friendly with your parents and even if a worker or a bum.

Luckily for everyone, the reading of the nipples can be both men and women. According to Kuizomi, the colors of the aura are divided into: Color oreo, chocolate, chocolate milk, milk, strawberries and Baba; being a fact important in evaluating the future.

For example if your aura is colored oreo (not to confuse with cookies), you have a great power of will. If you're a conservative and very responsible person surely you aura will be dark chocolate. Chocolate milk are a balanced person.

For milk color, being good person is both a strength and a weakness for strawberry, influences you much by what others are thinking of you and cake, means that you do not have your own opinions and are widely dispersed.


Divination is also based on the form. If your nipples are DART-shaped, are a safe yourself person Comet you must watch and improve internally, form of control means that you do much to your family, you are very nice and hard-working...

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